Events - Month View
The event calendar shows upcoming club events. Select a view then use the navigation buttons to move
between dates. Click on the event to view more information, including the event description, times,
location, fees and any rules regarding attendance; you can also register for events from this screen.
Click on the magnifying glass on the toolbar to see search and filter options.
CEF (Construction Education Foundation)
PHCC State Board President Mark Park & State Director Vicki VanNest will update us on State events. State lobbyist Jennifer Rodriquez will join us via Zoom. National lobbyist Mark Valentini will be joining us in person with a legislative update and information on the National Conference May 20-21
As our industry continues to evolve, together we will rise to the occasion and meet the challenges. Join us Feb.26 for our Contractors Walk the Capitol. If you are interested in contributing to to the PHCC Texas PAC Fund, consider joining us Feb. 25 for our PAC & Legislator Reception as well.